How is pure or caustic potash prepared

When mercury, negatively electrified, is placed in the galvanic circuit in contact with solution oi ammonia, the mercury gradually expands to four or five times its former dimensions, and becomes a soft solid of the consistence of butter. By this process, the mercury acquires an addition to its weieht of about one twelve thousandth part, and it is remarkable that its bulk is so increased by this small addition of weight, and its specific gravity is so lessened as to be only three times heavier than water, when before the process, it was about fourteen times heavier.

Otis. That the quicksilver in the above experiment absorbs a metal from the ammonia, and that the change which it undergoes, depends on this fact, is inferred thus. So far as 140 QUEsTIONs ON THE ALKALIEs.

known, the metals are the only bodies capable of amalgamating with mercury. When this takes place, the mercury still retains some of its characteristic properties, as for a time its lustre and colour, but loses others, as its fluidity. In the above instance the change produced by the ammonia, resembles the known effects of a metal on the mercury. In both cases it becomes a soft solid. Therefore the mercury has amalgamated with a metal, and if with a metal, it follows of course that this must be the base of ammonia.

All attempts to detach the metal of ammonia from the quicksilver and exhibit it in a separate form, have heretofore failed. When however, the amalgam is exposed to the air, the mercury is revived, and a small quantity of ammonia is produced. Hence it is said that the metal ammonium, absorbs oxygen from the air, and falls into ammonia.

The intelligent reader will notice from the above account, that there is at present no very positive proof, that the base of ammonia is of a metallic nature.


What are the general properties of the Alkalies ? What are the names of the alkalies ? Why are the threefirst called fixed ? Why is ammonia called the volatile alkali ? POTASH.

From whence does Potash derive its name ? How is Potash obtained ? What is salt of tartar ? What is salt of wormwood ? How do these salts differ from common potash ? What are the principal Uses of potash ? In how many proportions does carbonic acid combine with potash ?

What are the names of these Salts ? What is the ipmpbsition of Potash? How was th&dfcomposition of potash effected ?, How do you account Jar the decomposition of potash by the galvanic battery ?

How is pure or caustic potash prepared ?

How does this differ from the carbonate of potash ?


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